Square Column TV Mount – Rectangular Pillar TV mount Strap Around in minutes

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Square Column TV Mount – Rectangular Pillar TV mount Strap Around in minutes

Ultimate Strength with SlotGRIPtech guarantees maximum adhesion onto a pillar or column of most size or form. Integrated cable management in order to keep potentially messy cords clean and organize

QUICK EASY & SLEEK : With the ultimate goal of keeping the installation easy. No power tools are required. Two person install in minutes. Backed by 5 YEAR MANUFACTURER WARRANTY and friendly tech support to help with any questions or concerns

COMPATIBILITY: Fits circular pillars or round columns with a diameter of 12″(30cm) to 35″(89cm) Fits circular pillars or round columns with a circumference of 38″(97cm) to 110″(2.8m) Supports TV’s of upto 30kg/66lbs Support TV’s of 32″ to 55″ Full Motion swivel mount allows for upto 270° articulation. Height fully adjustable anytime. 

NO DRILLING: No Drilling required. Installation is without any drilling into column. Fulfills requirements of condominium act Most flexible solution for mounting into pillar and columns. Does not effect constructional column strength


MOTION: High gauge steel with Japanese made screw studs. This mount allows you to have your flat panel TV tilted for glare control or optimum viewing angle, pulled out from the pillar (635mm/25″ extension) and angled towards preferred viewing area up 270°. Push back into position at only 2″ from Pillar.

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2021-09-22T22:50:55-04:00 Column and Pillar Mounting Without Drilling, TV and Home Entertainment Installation|Comments Off on Square Column TV Mount – Rectangular Pillar TV mount Strap Around in minutes
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