Audio, Video or Data Wiring per line

///Audio, Video or Data Wiring per line
Audio, Video or Data Wiring per line 2013-01-18T02:06:12-05:00

Our Price: $129

When you need 100% connection to your other computers in your office a wired network is the answer. Unlike a wireless network a wired network is always on and is not efected from interferences from other devices.

We provide  Professional  Data Network wiring services for your home or office.

  • All Wiring hidden inside the wall when permitted.
  • Patch panel cable manangement included.
  • Wall Jacks included.
  • 2 lines minimum without another service


We will:

  • Send a certified Voice & Data Wiring Technician.
  • Be there within a 2-hour window you specify.
  • Provide all the cable and materials need for the job which are included in the price.

 Here are some items you might need before the technician arrives.

  • Mark the place in the wall you need a Voice & Data Network connection.(Tech can advise)
  • Decide where you want to place your router (Tech can advise)


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