Why Condo Policies Prevent You from Drilling Holes

//Why Condo Policies Prevent You from Drilling Holes

Why Condo Policies Prevent You from Drilling Holes

Why Condo Policies Prevent Your from Drilling Holes

Condo owners looking for flexibility in interior design and to save space can often be frustrated by condo association policies that prohibit drilling into walls or pillars. Often, condo owners may want to hang a piece of art they cherish or mount a TV to clear up valuable space in their units. While these policies can be frustrating, condo associations have them in place for a number of important reasons.


First and foremost, condo associations set no-drilling policies for safety reasons. No matter what type of material your walls, columns, and pillars are made of, drilling into them can cause structural damage and weaken the structural integrity of your unit and the building as a whole. Drilling into these structures can cause cracks and weaken load-bearing structures. And oftentimes, there may be hidden pipes or electrical conduits that are housed in walls and pillars, and homeowners may inadvertently cause major damage to their unit and their buildings if they damage these elements. With these concerns in mind, condo associations will often have policies in place to discourage drilling, and as a unit owner, you may lose your valuable homeowner’s warranty if you violate them.

can i drill into concrete column

Cracking a concrete pillar can be cause damage to your entire building

Costly Repair

Additionally, drilling into walls and pillars leaves unsightly holes that may be difficult and costly to repair. You will either have to spend money fixing any holes you drill, or if you move, your condo association will need to fix them and will charge you high fees to do so. Even when the holes are patched, they can still be unsightly and may cause loss of value to the property or may make selling or renting the condo more difficult because of the unsightly look or because of structural damage.

 cracked concrete pillar

Cracked concrete pillar

Noisy and Dusty

In additional to safety and aesthetic concerns, drilling into walls and other structures can be noisy and messy, especially in concrete. Drilling into concrete takes special tools that are loud and can cause a disturbance for others living near your unit. Additionally, drilling can cause a mess and release dust and other harmful particles into the air of your unit and into the air duct systems, meaning these allergens and harmful residues can be transported into other condo owners’ units.

Options to Consider

When condo owners are looking for options on where and how to hang artwork or where and how to mount a TV, choices can be limited. You can either buy a bulky entertainment unit that takes up space in your unit and may not achieve the clean design you’re looking for, or you can choose to violate condo association policies and risk safety and hard earned money by invalidating your home warranty.

Current options on the market for TV mounting that don’t cause damage are limited, but there are some emerging options on the market that may give condo owners more flexibility for damage-free mounting solutions.

Pillar Wrap Around Strapping Solution

The Condomounts Full Motion Column Wrap TV Mount is easy to install, taking less than 30 minutes, and requires no additional tools or professional installers. The wrap-around design snugly fits around columns and pillars in your unit and adjusts to its size. It also can be adjusted to accommodate for wall mounting. And because it requires no drilling and no anchoring to existing structures in your condo, it is fully removable, so you can take it with you should you move.

Strapping Column TV Mount for pillars

Strapping Column TV Mount for pillars

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